There are so many ways one can define love and yet we are left wanting…for love truly has to be realized within, and no words or explanations can do it justice.
I have felt around this subject many times over the years, and my perception sure has changed as life has progressed. Today when I ask myself what love means to me, I am not left confused.
Love exists in all of us in our innermost core. We are love. We just need to become aware. Whether it is love for the Higher Power, our parents, siblings, significant others, children, friends, teachers or love for mankind, it emanates from within.
If there was no love, living would feel meaningless.
We have all heard of the expression, “Love at first sight.” Is that really love? This may be love if your definition realizes this response. It is all about how we perceive it.
Here is just an attempt to put this wonderful emotion in words…
Love is freeing, not binding.
Loves leaves you feeling light, not burdened.
Love does not make you hold another in a tight grip leaving no breathing space; it makes you leave the other free to realize themselves.
Loves leaves you admiring the person, finding goodness in all that they do.
Love is not controlling the other.
Love does not want you to change the other to suit your needs.
Love keeps you enriched and progressive in the company of the other and enables you to allow the other to grow.
Loves leaves you feeling content and at peace.
Love is trusting and sincere.
Love is responsible.
Love makes you want to be your very best for you first and then the other.
Love goes beyond religion, culture, age, rank, nationality or language.
Love enables you with spiritual freedom.
Love is not selfish.
Love does not leave you overpowered by emotions, and sensations. Overpowering emotions should not be confused with the ultimate emotion of love. Love leaves you soaring free and trusting.
Love is not feeling trapped.
A piece of paper, a legal ceremony can be the outcome of love, but in themselves do not define love.
Love should not leave you wanting more.
Love above all is unconditional.
You cannot love another unless you love yourself.
Love is the highest emotion of all.
Love is self encompassing and more…
Drench yourself with love :)