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Umang Goel
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sync up your Mind, heart, and body, and live the life you were meant to live…

Sync up your Mind, heart, and body, and live the life you were meant to live…
In today’s world you wonder why the mind chatters so much; why does the mind flip from one thought to the next; why you cannot concentrate on one thing, why the world is being so insensitive to you, why can’t others allow you to live…
The answer even though simple needs consistent effort.
Our mind, heart, and body are not synced up to be able to connect with the soul. The mind has decided to do one thing while the heart and body are screaming for something else. Is it any surprise why we do not know what we want to do, what we should do? Why we cannot focus?
When there is a question in the mind, niggling doubt, a sense of restlessness, pay attention.
When there is a feeling, pay attention.
When the body is unable to settle down, pay attention to it.
All these questions, sensations, feelings are trying to tell you something. Pay attention; listen to your gut feeling. Do not second guess yourself. Learn to trust yourself. Gradually you will learn to differentiate between the strength of your feelings and what those feelings are telling you. With practice towards “listening” you will learn to act with the mind, the heart and the body in sync, and not be forced in different directions all at the same time. You will know what it is you need to do, and doubts will disappear. You will connect with your soul and you will find the peace you have been struggling for. At the innermost core, you are the one who knows yourself the best. J

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