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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

What are we trying to escape?

What are we trying to escape?
Have you thought about how much we are trying to escape thoughts and actions all the time? Think about it – our mind is always creating a resistance to all the actions that we really need to take on a daily basis on anything that is just a little more difficult, just a little more time consuming, takes just a little more concentration, takes just a little more strength and courage to get over a hitch. We give ourselves excuse after excuse why we cannot take care of things at hand, never really dealing with the real root issue.
At the root, there may be fear of some sort and if it isn’t fear there is laziness. We don’t want to work harder; we would rather do something easy and totally non progressive because that would be effortless. And yet, we complain, “Why am I not able to move forward?” “Why is it always me who has to suffer?” “Why am I so unfortunate?” “How come others are always having an easy life?”
Why me? Why me? Why me? … That is how we have trained our minds to react to circumstances we are supposed to learn from and grow. We are always putting effort in escaping from learning and growing….yes that is truly what we are trying to escape from. We just want instant gratification, without much effort.
Willingness, action, effort, patience are very much needed to grow and lead a fulfilling life. The next time the mind wants to escape, resist the urge and take instant action. Once the initial hitch is gone, the flow becomes easier, life becomes smoother and real growth begins :)

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