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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Love and Caring are first cousins!

Love and Caring are first cousins!
Love and caring are very closely related, and yet there is a difference... When one truly loves someone caring follows. When one cares about someone, depending on the relationship, intimate or distant/remote love for the human still exists.
People who profess to love but do not show care contradict themselves, for “love” just remains a four letter word and not an emotion from the heart. Many relationships exist all around us where this seems to be the case.
This is evident even more among two people in relationship through marriage. Marriage is supposed to be based on love, where care is a given outcome, no matter how many years have gone by. But the more we observe we see the lack of care, and one is left wondering, “What kind of relationship is this?” Such relationships at the very best can be defined as “co-existence.” Sometimes such co-existence can be dangerous to ones self-esteem to the point that living becomes a burden.
One of the best examples I know of real love and caring is my father. The love and caring he bestows on everyone is priceless. His love and caring is evident in his expressions, and his actions, whether it is for my mom, his children or anyone else. He rises above and beyond himself in situations needing his attention. We see his caring in his ”letting go,” in his acceptance, and in his not trying to be in control of each situation.
Only if one rises above the ego and selfishness can one truly come face to face with true love and real caring. Each and every one of us needs such love and care :)

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