Each one of us is unique, and each one of us has a beautiful story to tell…
No matter who you are and which place in life you are at, you have a unique story to tell. Each one of us has been born for a purpose, a Divine reason, and each one of us has lessons to learn from the other. There is no master and there is no follower; there is no one person who knows it all, for “all” cannot be defined…
Each book is complete in itself for the writer of the book, but no book is complete for the reader - no book can have all that there is to know for the unique you. Only you can complete your own book, for you will know you the best. Only Self knowledge makes you complete, for this knowledge is the closest to God; when you are close to God, you are striving for God like qualities, and in this strife you create a beautiful story…This Self knowledge is what makes the inside as well as the outside drenched with beauty that others are automatically attracted to. And the more one is drenched with the knowledge of inner beauty, the more beautiful the story becomes…
We have been born with our own unique personalities, the outer package. When the Soul takes residence in this outer package, there are opportunities throughout life time of the package to enhance and enrich, to learn lessons, to find the purpose, and to become more and more harmonious with the Higher Self.
Let us all strive to make our story as beautiful as we can; let us create our own unique book that everyone will be compelled to pick up … :)