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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010



A tool is something used as a means of achieving something. It does not do the work for you, for it is the brain behind the tool that uses the tool in the most optimal manner to achieve that something.

Tools can be of so many different kinds: Physical, mental, educational, financial, religious, spiritual…

The tools are easily available all around us; all we need is awareness and the desire to find the needed tool, and then use it to achieve our physical, mental, educational, financial, religious, and spiritual or any other goal.

A critical part of this equation about the nature of tools is that one can be completely unaware of the tools, one can be aware of the tools and not use them, use the tools with awareness and consciousness to enrich and progress themselves and the society around them, or use them equally destructively!

It is very easy to find fault with the tool, but one has to be extremely aware that it is never the tool itself that is faulty; it is the person’s awareness of the tool that may be at risk. Before using any tool, it needs to be weighed and carefully taken into consideration its worth, its history, its availability and its use. Used ignorantly it can prove to be very dangerous.

An individual or an organization can make another individual or an organization aware of the tool; in fact it is our responsibility to create awareness. And yet, it should not be forced down another’s throat, keeping in mind that no amount of force can make another use or abuse the tool. What I believe needs to happen is to make available the tool of education to the society, nudge them gently and without threats of any kind whether it is emotional or physical and then be at peace with the knowledge that the necessary action has been done. After that it is up to the user of the tool to take advantage of the opportunity being provided. No force of any kind is needed beyond that. Let's be grateful that we have wonderful tools all around us to enrich and enlighten us in our growth process. :)

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