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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Spirituality and practicality go hand in cannot survive without the other

Spirituality and practicality go hand in cannot survive without the other...

It is not enough to gain spiritual wisdom; we need to start applying it to our lives...for spirituality and practicality cannot survive without the other...

What you read and hear is not as important as what you do with that knowledge we are all reading something or the other all the time, for we are seekers. We are all listening to what others have to say all the time. The real question is what are we doing with what we have read and heard?

Has the new knowledge taken us into ponderings of our own? Has it created some questions for us that we are going within us to seek answers for? Has it created within us this need to search, this thirst so that we are truly on a path to quench the thirst?

The ultimate goal for all the reading, listening, seeking, this search, this thirst is true silence, and peace within. All the answers are within us, all we need is awareness. Seek the tools but even more use the tools to seek the answers within.

If you feel sometimes that you are going in circles with questions and answers…know that you need to reach deeper within yourself. The depth is not an endless hole. It does reach silence.
Words will remain words, whether read or heard, unless it creates silence within and enables you to take actions that enable others to find that silence as well. :)

Comments from others:

Sarvesh Mopkar:  Umang ji, I am really delighted to know this that there is someone who thinks like me..Whenver I have approached any spiritual movments in India, there has always been a deficiency of practicality in the "followers". It seemed to me that spirituality has an allergy for practicality :)
But slowly I, on my own introspection, realised that truespirituality is the MOST practical thing in this world! There is nothing more practical than true spirituality..
For me, Your words came as fresh wave of pure wisdom !!! thanx!
Anna-Liisa Ilola: 
So very true... Love comes true by loving actions♥

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