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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Jealousy – the unnecessary evil!

Jealousy – the unnecessary evil!
What exactly is jealousy?
When you want what another has with an ill feeling, it is jealousy. When you covet another human for anything, it describes jealousy. Jealousy is that negative emotion that eats you up gradually. There is absolutely nothing positive about this emotion.

People may be jealous when:
- Someone has more expensive or more materials than them, whether it is a house, a car, or any other piece of property. It does not matter to them if they even have a need for such; they are just left “wanting” and “envious” about what they do not have. This happens when one focuses on the external things in life instead of the richness within, forgetting that the richness within is priceless. Instead of focusing on the “lack” focus on abundance within.
- Someone is in a better position in life, has a more rewarding job. They forget that anyone can acquire the skills needed to get a better position or even better acquire skills to fulfill their own passions. Nothing beats when your own passions and dreams are fulfilled with your own efforts and actions. Instead of focusing on the “lack” focus on action.
- Someone is in a better state of health, forgetting that it is all in ones own hand. All it needs is setting of priorities and taking the right course of action. People will go out and spend money on things they do not even need, but fail to recognize that money spent on taking care of ones health, through proper nutrition and exercise, is one of the most critical factors in leading a successful life. I love the example my mentor gave me, one of the best analogies he drew – How much money do we spent annually on the tune-up/maintenance of our car, the vehicle we feel is absolutely necessary to take us from one place to another without thinking twice about it? And what happens when we think about a health related activity for the vehicle, our own body that will take us to the end of our days? When you have to go to a surgeon, do you compromise on the price? Or do you go to the one you believe will be the best for your cure? Instead of focusing on the “lack” focus on what matters most.
- Some people are even jealous about relationships, always wanting what someone else has, instead of investing in their own. Instead of focusing on the “lack” focus on investment of time.

Instead of coveting what others have or do not have, focus on your own inner strengths, for everything is possible with inward focus. Things take on a different perspective, thoughts become clearer, problems start having solutions, shackles disappear, and miracles start becoming a reality. Be happy for other people’s progress. Extract something positive from other people that you can apply to your own life. Pray for their happiness, for what you get back is happiness in multiple folds. Most people are willing to help you if you approach them with selflessness and nicety. If you work well with others, they will work well with you. Instead of focusing on negative emotions, focus on the positive. Open your eyes and see the possibilities waiting for you at the next corner. J

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