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Umang Goel
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Let us honor the temple given to us by God…

Let us honor the temple given to us by God…

The first temple that goes with us wherever we go is our very own body. It is our prime responsibility to honor what has been given as a gift to us from God.
How many of us really take care of ourselves? Yes, we are very good at giving excuses, even when it is to take care of our very own selves!

Excuses are so many:
“I do not have the time.”
“My family comes first.”
“My financial resources do not allow me.”
“I am slim already.”
“I have a disability.”
And so many others…

Believe me, no excuse is valid, for there are so many ways to take care of one's self.
1. There are 3 critical components to a whole person – mind, body and spirit.
Allow the knowledge that our body is our very first temple to dislodge all excuses and begin your journey towards creating a healthy body and mind, eventually leading to a healthy and joyful spirit.
- “I do not have the time.”
We tell ourselves that we do not have the time, but the truth is each one of us has the same 24 hours; the question is: what is your priority? How do you value your time? Are you aware of every single moment of your time and how you are using it?
I know the more I become aware of things, the more time I create for myself in a very joyful manner – I work joyfully at AT&T in the IT industry, I take care of my family with 2 growing children – chauffeuring them around with their school and activities, go grocery shopping, cook and clean for we do not have outside help, indulge in gardening, reading, writing, teach yoga classes 7 days a week, goof around with my children, walk regularly, watch movies for I love them, attend satsangs….
- “My family comes first”
Your family should come first, for that is our dharma. The awareness one needs is that you need to come first when it comes to taking care of your health, for who will take care of your loved ones if you become incapacitated? Think about the instructions given on an airplane for using the oxygen masks...
- “My financial resources do not allow me.”
One can be very creative if you have set a goal. Finances will not come in the way. Just think about the different things you spend your money on…
- “I am slim already.”
It is not enough that you are slim, for you may not be healthy, supple or flexible. Get consultation from your doctor, one who actually walks the talk!
- “I have a disability.”
Even if you have a disability, there are always ways to take care of the self.
The biggest disability we face is the disability in our minds that do not allow
us to break barriers. There are innumerable real life histories available to
read that will blow your mind away. Get consultation from a good doctor.
Yes, I am very aware at all times about all these 3 aspects of joyful living. I walk the talk to the best of my ability. Just talking is pointless.
1. Become aware of what you are putting in your mouth. “Garbage in, garbage out.” What else can you expect after that? Eating healthy does not have to be expensive; all you need is awareness, and mindfulness.
Do I never eat what is considered “junk food?” Of course not…Once in a while I indulge in those too, but in moderation. As daily routine I am very aware of what I am eating, how much I am eating, when I am eating, and when I need to give my internal system a break form the continuous work it does to process the ingested food. The food we eat today may not be complete on its own. Consult your doctor for supplements – calcium, vitamins, Omega 3, enzymes, whatever your body may be in need of being supplemented with. Of course fresh vegetables and fruits cannot be replaced by a supplement, but that is why these are called supplements.
2. When we come to this earth, our body is flexible and supple, and is able to move in ways an adult can only be left wondering! We do not have to let that suppleness go as we continue to mature in our bodies. We need to exercise – whatever way one is comfortable with, but keep an open mind.

For me brisk walking in fresh air, yoga, and pranayam is my comprehensive fitness program. I have done kickboxing, running 6 miles, low resistance weight training as well. As I discovered yoga more and more, I found myself settling down in this practice. Hiking, whenever possible, proves wonderful for your health.

3. The most critical component of all is the mind. Yes this is one component that actually guides all other components and is the most difficult to leash. Daily practice of going inwards, meditation, self analysis, journaling, having a mentor/a guide/ a person who enables you to progress in your journey towards enlightenment unconditionally (I will write about this in another of my blog articles): all of these are essential to creating a healthy mind that can actually function in ways so that you are not just leading a life where you eat, drink, fulfill only those earthly roles that are obvious to you (your dharma) and sleep.
I have devoted 3 plus years of my life, and continue to do so, towards reprogramming my brain cells, my attitude towards life, and have found freedom, yes real freedom (I will write on this topic more and more).
Yes, I have placed a leash on my mind, so that it is just progressive in ways that it enables rather than disables.
There is freedom in knowing that if I die today or tomorrow or 60 years from now, I will be at peace inside out. There will be no regrets. I am not hurting anyone knowingly or intentionally, for I do not allow false ego, external power, and greed to come close to me. Dropping unnecessary expectations from others, I am striving continuously to be better and better, for it is work in progress, and will continue to be until my last breath. I know that with strife, I am on my way, one step closer to my Source.
Thank you God.
Until next time :)
Love to all,
"A complete commitment to physical and mental health is critical to ones well being."

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