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Umang Goel
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Self Esteem

Self Esteem
These two words have so much in them that they have the power to make or break a person.
Self esteem is how people evaluate themselves, how much they find themselves worthy by their own perceptions. If their own perception of themselves is faulty, in either direction, self esteem suffers – they may consider themselves too good for anyone else, which certainly does not mean high self esteem in my book; or they may consider themselves worse than what the truth is, which definitely is low self esteem, and results in disheartening the person to the extent that their full life’s potential is never achieved. In fact they may end up depressed and worse try to take their own life!
True evaluation of self worth comes from self introspection, going inwards, and constantly allowing ourselves to progress in various characteristics and personality traits that we ourselves are aware need enhancing in either direction. This is being truthful about ourselves, accepting ourselves, and intending to progress ourselves with a passion.
We need to value ourselves, and that value will automatically come if we know in our hearts that we are on the path of truth, of integrity, honesty and love. In this journey towards internal freedom, you allow yourself to fall in love with yourself, which is critical to mankind. When you truly fall in love with yourself, you allow love to overflow to all others, and the thought that you are too good for others does not even come in the picture, for you truly form a relationship with others considering each and everyone worthy in their own right.
Always keep the focus on the internal, and never on the external. In doing so, external takes on the meaning that originates in love and not power or greed or any other negative emotion, for there is no selfishness there.
Then the two words self esteem melt and dissolve. :)

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