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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Be grateful for what you do not have – try this as a concept!

Be grateful for what you do not have – try this as a concept!

Everyone wants something or the other. And they want it fast! It does not even cross the mind in that duration of wanting that there are so many critical ingredients involved in the coming together of this want, they just want instant gratification.

Sometimes, one does get what they want fast. What happens then? They are thrilled, they are happy, they may even be grateful and then they move on to the NEXT WANT. They may not even have spent enough time realizing the instant fruit of their desire, or that probably there could be a next step in the progress…for life is meant to be a progress.
Now let’s see what happens when one does not get what they want instantly. This can end up in two ways depending on the human psyche.
- One type of human gets disheartened just gives up; QUITS! These are the people who end up with struggles and lead a static life.
- The other type becomes even more fascinated with their “project” discovers newer, more creative ways and makes even more progress that was ever dreamed possible. These are the wonderful souls who have given a new meaning to mankind. These are the ones who invent…

Only those who do not give up in their journey and are grateful for all that they do not have, continue on the path of wonderment, continue to progress in more enriching ways, and are the ones who give a different meaning to the word disappointment… J

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