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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

When you are on the brink of facing disappointment due to man created rules/guidelines, know that it is just grounds for growth…move on!

When you are on the brink of facing disappointment due to man created rules/guidelines, know that it is just grounds for growth…move on!
I have been mulling over what my mentor said last Tuesday, after I faced a disappointment due to incorrect man made procedures, “Know that only God is absolute. Everything else that is man created is open to fault.” After he explained, I realized that I really do not need to go through the restlessness of disappointment, and I relaxed and moved on…
When there is faith in the knowledge that God is absolute, then we do not need to worry about all those things that are not in our control, and neither do we need to face any disappointments, for then you do not question God’s ways. You just know that whatever happened was for the best and we have a lesson to learn. When you have absolute faith in God there is nothing to question, just to learn.
Now let’s look at the reverse side of this thought. If everything else that is man created is open to fault, then why be disappointed? …for we already know that man’s rules and policies and inventions are always questionable. This should just be grounds for growth.
There is no need for disappointments one way or another. When there is no disappointment, there is no anxiety or restlessness or sleeplessness.
Wow! What a concept! J

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