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Umang Goel
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

God, I thank poem

God, I thank THEE
(from my book: "A Journey of Self Revelation," under my pen name "Joy")

My parents, I thank you for bringing me to your home,
God I thank THEE for giving me their dome.
My siblings I thank you for your magical land,
God I thank THEE for blessing me with their hand.
My children I thank you for choosing me as your mother,
God I thank THEE for giving us each other.
Friends I thank you for being so flexible,
God I thank THEE for making it possible.
Stars, I thank you for shining so brightly,
God I thank THEE for making it nightly.
Flowers I thank you for sprouting in my garden,
God I thank THEE for making this happen.
Happiness, I thank you for finding my heart,
God I thank THEE for not keeping us apart.

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