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Umang Goel
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Healing Touch…

Healing Touch…
One of the important life lessons to learn is how critical a simple healing touch can be. Whether it is a parent hugging a child, or a friend putting an arm around your shoulders, or someone putting their blessed hands on your head the effects prove to be tremendous.
We all are aware of how critical to a child’s growth is the loving touch between a parent and a child. It has the ability to strengthen or destroy the physical and mental faculties of the child.
A patient in pain when touched gently and with care has the ability to recover faster.
Healing touch has the power to lessen the pain, ease anxiety, panic and restlessness, create hope where feeling of doom had set in by softening blows of life, generate the strength and recreate the ability and desire to live a wholesome life, encourage dreams and passions…yes, the advantages are innumerable.
It has been shown in studies how a simple act of touch can quiet the heart and decrease blood pressure.
Massage therapy has been known to relax and rejuvenate.
There is also as always the other side of the coin…Be very aware of who you do not desire to be in close proximity with, for as critical as healing touch is, it is extremely important to be aware of the other side. It is also important to be mindful of those who are uncomfortable with touch, and that forcing your attention could prove disastrous to ones well being.
It is also useful to know that some may desire to be touched with gentleness and care but may be too shy to ask for it, and mindfulness can guide you into what is right for the situation. Become sensitive to signals being sent and act accordingly.
A simple soothing, relaxing touch can soothe ones soul. Touching is one of the best ways of reconnecting with family and close friends. A hug goes a long way towards healing and of course when coated with gentle, caring and loving words, it becomes blissful.
I have been blessed with a hugging family, and friends. And above all, I feel God’s blessed hands on my head at all times. J

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