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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Between Knowledge and Money, which is more important?

Between Knowledge and Money, which is more important? -
When you have real knowledge and you act on it with passion, money follows, but the reverse has never been true
I hope you are saying to yourself what I believe. Knowledge is more important. In fact it is critical. One of the biggest issues of today leading man to struggling throughout life is ignorance.
Knowledge is when you understand a subject matter so well that you know it inside out, so that there is no confusion left, so that when you act with knowledge and awareness, the end result is peace.
No matter what it is in life, when you act under the influence of ignorance, you are acting based off fear, and you are not aware of the consequences of the end result. You are just in a rat race.
Since ages, approximately 97% of the people are taught to study hard, get a degree, then become an employee and then keep struggling as you provide for your family, and die still struggling. About 3 years ago, Robert Kiyasaki’s book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” made quite an impact on me, and I knew I was not going to be one of those people anymore. He has stressed on the extreme importance of true/real education and not the way it is taught in schools and colleges. It was quite an eye opener for me and I knew that there was no competition between knowledge and money. When you have real knowledge and you act on it with passion, money follows, but the reverse has never been true. Can you imagine money leading you to discover your true passion and then actually acting upon it? No wonder we struggle throughout life trying to figure out…
Acquire the tools, the knowledge, the skills about whatever it is in life that drives you, and then follow it completely, make it your dream, act upon it with a passion, and see your life unfold. Struggles become history!
You may inherit the money, but if you do not know how to safeguard that money and then grow it with knowledge, it will leave your pocket…His program teaches you ways to safeguard your money, how to grow the money and not lose sleep over it!
Knowledge is power, the internal power that really counts, and when knowledge is mixed with other ingredients like spiritual awareness, passion, and faith, the action that follows is also true to your real self, leading to a life where dreams come true, everything looks magical J

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