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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Get out of your own way…

Get out of your own way…

The only person you need to worry about coming in your way is YOU!

I believe this to be the absolute truth. We, as humans, are famous for coming in the way of our own desires, dreams, and passions. We are always so ready to think of all kinds of excuses for not being able to start on whatever it is we may have the desire for, and leave the desire as a desire…never bringing it to fruition.

We tell ourselves:
“This isn’t the right time.”
“I do not have the finances to allow this to happen.”
“I have so many other priorities that I need to take care of first.”
“I need this “thing” first before I can start working on this dream of mine.”
“My time is not my time…I am already so tired talking care of my family…”

…and so we come in our own way, finding excuses one after the other.

Know what you want and go for it…get out of your own way.

The first step is knowing what you want, for desiring this and that is not sufficient. There needs to be a true passion for this dream of yours, because only then there will be no meaning for excuses. You will find the time. You will find the money. You will discover that only you can make it happen.

All those who are successful in their dreams are those who have a fixed goal in mind, with the knowledge that IT WILL COME TRUE. After that they plan out a course of action, knowing that the plans may need additions and subtractions, modifications, detours but that the plan will take them to that end destination no matter what.

Here is an example:
Step 1: I reside in California and make up my mind to go to India.
Step 2: I see to what is needed to make this trip happen: time and money, passport and Visa readiness.
Step 3: Since I have MADE UP MY MIND, and I know that I have 2 kids who can really go during their school holidays, I make sure that I make a request at work for this desired timeframe: July. I also know how much vacation time I have and how much of it I want to use. I also know that my primary goal is to visit my parents, NO MATTER WHAT, so I make sure that they are available at that time. What ahs happened so far? The place and time part of the equation has been set in stone, as much as is in my control.
Step 4: I save the money to buy the tickets since I have made up my mind that I am going (the goal is always what my focus is on.). I buy the tickets.
Step 5: I check passports and Visa and ensure that all is in order and if they are not, make sure that I bring them into order through the necessary actions.
Step 6: We are on the plane to India.

Now let’s pay attention to what else can come in the way:
- We could have a detour because of weather conditions; we might end up staying overnight en-route to the place of destination. Will this change my end goal? Of course not! When the end goal is fixed, detours in the plan of action do not affect the end goal.
- We might even have to change some dates of the trip due to unforeseen circumstances…but the end goal still remains the same.

What I am pointing out with this practical life example is that all you need is to FIX YOUR GOAL and then WORK TOWARDS the GOAL in SMALL STEPS or LARGE BASED ON YOUR OWN CIRCUMSTANCES, but DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MIND TO TELL YOU THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE, FOR IT IS!
A thing is as possible or impossible as we make it. We as humans are not meant to say that a thing is impossible. It is only God who knows and provides His blessed hands on us making it happen IF WE WANT IT! He provides hurdles so that we can figure out a better way. IF there were no hurdles, we would sit content and not think of ways to create a better world around us.
Get out of your own way! Reprogram your brain cells to think that anything you desire is in your own hands J

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