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Umang Goel
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wisdom of Power Naps!

Wisdom of Power Naps!

As I was growing up, I became aware how my mother, in the midst of a hectic, action filled day, laid down just for 5 – 10 minutes and went into deep slumber! I always wondered and asked her many times, “How do you do that?” I just could not understand how could one will themselves to sleep whenever they wanted!

I grew older, and in time I had children, my time seemed to disappear, and my days started merging into each other. My days became busier, and time became even more expensive. I was running around in circles, so to speak.

One day, years later, it struck me that something was not right at all. I needed to change if I wanted to LIVE. I came up with the most powerful intention I have ever made – I was going to do everything in my control to reprogram my brain cells so that I could live a life of meaning and purpose.

I did.
One of the intrinsic rules of this reprogramming of my brain cells was to get the sleep my body needed and deserved, and not be depleted as I was used to. I remembered my mother’s wisdom of power naps; it all made complete sense.
I started taking power naps whenever I could – in my car as I was waiting for my kids, quick power naps as soon as I came home from after taking care of children’s needs, letting go of whatever it was in my hands that was not critical to catch up with my sleep!

This made a big difference. I gained more valuable time than I ever had! I was doing more; more constructive work got done!

The concept of power naps is amazing and true. Of course it is only one of the critical ingredients f a healthy life. Try it and reap its benefits. :)

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