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Umang Goel
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Monday, May 31, 2010

Lessons from water…

Lessons from water…

Water in its liquid state,
taking the shape of its container,
filling, adjusting and bending,
calm without outside forces and distractions,
free flowing without limitations of boundaries,
roaring in waves and
gushing with energy during high tide,
flowing over or under barriers placed in its way,
adjusting and compromising through the tiniest of crevices,
accommodating and hugging those ready to dissolve and melt,
warming or cooling to meet the needs,
helping life forms in getting their nutrients.
Changing its form and shape to adjust to its circumstances,
becoming rock solid ice or free flowing vapor,
adhesive and elastic to suit the ways,
hanging high like a cloud,
or dropping like rain,
always coming to rest
in its own calm, peaceful and joyous liquid state,
giving and bountiful in its abundance.

1 comment:

  1. The title of this blog eradicates GOD. As about the rest of the water physics, that's interesting :-)
