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Umang Goel
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

The need for love and companionship

The need for love and companionship

Man is a social being; that is how we have been created. As such our intrinsic need is for love and companionship, there is no denying this.

We are love, we are made of love, and every pore in our being is love. But what we forget is to nourish our inner Self with the love it needs through our understanding of our own selves before we reach out into the need for relationships and companionships external to us.

A being will be forever needy, even if they are surrounded by people, through intimacy as well as any other kind of relationship, if they have not nourished their Soul first. And all other relationships will gradually work out if the Self has become content.

People who jump from one relationship to another looking for companionship continue the process of “looking,” for they are guided by influences that are external and are not the right guiding factors. They are left further drained and empty, rather than fulfilled.

Love and companionship can come in so many different ways. The love and companionship could very well be that of an intimate companion, a friend, a sibling, a child…when one feels complete, then companionship takes on a different meaning.

As long as there is craving, there is something to learn. If you are content in the knowledge that everything is as it should be – your desire for love and companionship takes on a different meaning.

Ultimately, there is one place that your heart is the safest – with God. He holds you as long as you need Him, He is there for you if you seek Him, you “see” him if your desire is to see him. This love and companionship never ends. :)

Comment on this blog:

"Hi Umang, your blog "Need for love and companionship" is insightful. Thanks for writing. why does the feeling of not been loved by someone(Rejection) hurts ? I think the answer is in the blog, but want to hear a direct answer to this if there is one :) Thanks"

My response:

This feeling of rejection is our ego rearing its head. We would need to question our inner Self - what is about this rejection that is hurting me the most? In my personal opinion, if we are satisfied with ourselves, we are content in our Being and in the knowledge that we do love ourselves, then we are able to seperate someone else's opinion/rejection from how we feel about ourselves; meaning it will not feel like rejection, since the person "rejecting" is another nique personality and has nothing to do with us! They have their own issues not allowing them to love and care for another, for we may remind them of their own "lack." So this rejection is about them not who they are rejecting. It really all boils down to our own self esteem - the person rejecting and the person feeling rejected. If we stop to taking things so personally, continue to prosper ourselves in God like qualities, and bask in teh knowledge that God does not reject anyone...we will be peaceful and at ease...not easy, but with effort can be done. :) "

1 comment:

  1. I maybe not the right person to comment on this. A theist would be. For even if HE/SHE did exist, I'd rather still not want to even try to be like HIM/HER. Cause I'm human.

    After a lifetime of different pursuits, joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, many people strive down to meditation/yoga/GOD. I ain't saying its wrong. Everyone has a perspective and I am no one to judge them. I'd rather just say "Its OK" :-)
