Be a Leader of Your thoughts - the Choice is Yours :)

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Sharing opens up channels of communication. Each one of us is unique and has a unique perspective to share, and I heartily welcome all perspectives. It opens up my thoughts even further. So welcome friends into my blogging world, read on, ask questions, share your own thoughts and be a friend :)

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Umang Goel
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Have you unwrapped your gift yet?

Have you unwrapped your gift yet?

Yes each one of us has been given the gift of this precious and beautiful LIFE without asking; the question is:

- Have you really opened your gift yet?

- Are you aware where this gift came from?

- Are you aware of what is the purpose of this gift?

- Are you aware how you want to use this gift?

- Are you aware where are you taking this gift?

- Have you expressed your gratitude for your gift?

Thank You God  :)